“The Choice Is Yours”

© 2009-2020 Kat Goduco Photo All Rights Reserved.
Kat Goduco Photo Series:
Vice vs Virtue
Sometimes, why we act, stem from what we follow.
This reasoning is the underlying motivation for my ‘Vice vs Virtue’ collection.
Back in 2008, I created the original version of this exhibition. What you are viewing is the reboot. In this 2020 edition, I attempt to reveal the story between the two characters in each photo, the person and the fabric, in relation to the 7 deadly sins and the 7 holy virtues.
For the last couple of years, I have been working with textiles in different settings. I am fascinated by how fabrics can provide a personality in photographs, similar to people. I am also very fascinated by how our ability of choice, creates different outcomes in life.
This exhibition reveals the similarities between the subjects and shares how they may, or may not have the same sentiments as its observers.
***On March 4th, 2020 Kat Goduco introduced her Vice vs Virtue Collection at The Athlete’s Foot in Atlantic Station (Atlanta, GA). This was here first solo showcase since 2013. Many thanks to all of the folks who helped make this show happen.